Introducing the New Owners of PIRGROUP!

The year 2020 – a year no one will forget, a year of shift in gears, movement of tides and change of direction. For PIRGROUP this cannot be more than true – 2020 has really been a year of changes:

  1. In early January, PIRGROUP acquired Personal Relocation B.V. – one of the first relocation companies in The Netherlands, famous for its personal approach and creative solutions. Read more.
  2. Followed by the next big change for PIRGROUP in June 2020, when PIRGROUP welcomed back Iveta Berkolde as a Managing Partner of PIRGROUP Latvia, responsible for the Baltic, CEE and CIS countries. Read more.

Those two events, as well as the last two years in which mrs. Isamar van Hilten took a step back – and the company was run by Miranda de Keijzer, Ina Zhekova and Huub Maas – set the stage for a change of ownership in 2020.

We are proud to announce that Miranda and Ina are the two new owners of PIRGROUP The Netherlands, and co-owners of PIRGROUP Latvia, together with Iveta Berkolde.

Miranda and Ina are very thankful for the trust from Isamar van Hilten. In the 20 years of managing PIRGROUP, Isamar has built a great foundation, with many achievements to be proud of, which are the stairs of the past, leading the new owners to the future. Read more.

Ina has been with PIRGROUP for almost 10 years, falling in love with the global mobility industry and leaving Marketing behind. Her focus has always been on working closely together with the clients to create value added services through tailor-made solutions for them. The dynamics and challenges of the global mobility industry caught her heart forever and today more than ever in this changing world, Ina is determined to leave a mark in everyone’s heart when being assisted by PIRGROUP.

Miranda on the other hand, has a different background than the global mobility world. However, this is an advantage for PIRGROUP and its clients because her background in Finance helps her to bring an alternative perspective in the evolving and more and more demanding mobility industry. She is very keen on optimizing the way PIRGROUP delivers services without losing the special personal approach.

Both ladies know that plans do not always work out, especially looking at 2020 – however, they look positively at the future and counting on their amazing team. They see the team as the driving force, and they are sure that an excellent service delivery starts with a motivated and devoted team.

They truly believe actions say more than words, therefore if you would like to get to know the two ladies better you can have a look at a video which the team prepared about them: click on the link.


The combined knowledge, experience, and expertise of PIRGROUP and Personal Relocation, Iveta Berkolde’s return, Isamar van Hilten’s legacy, together with PIRGROUP’s enthusiastic team, Miranda’s eagerness and Ina’s devotion helped shape PIRGROUP into the business it is today.

The core values of the company are well preserved, while the forward-thinking culture is encouraged, and innovation is combined with tradition!