PIRGROUP Coronavirus Measures in Baltic States and Kazakhstan

CORONAVIRUS: announced measures in Kazakhstan

The Government of Kazakhstan implemented special preventive measures due to the coronavirus pandemic in the world.

On March 13 entry to Kazakhstan is prohibited from China, South Korea, Iran and Italy (countries from the first category A) and also from countries of the first category of group B: Germany, Spain, France.

Kazakhstan reduced its regular international capacity to Great Britain, the Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, the UAE and Georgia.
The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan launched a 24-hour call-centre 8 (7172) 64 58 41 to provide updated information.

In reponse to the coronavirus outbreak, Kazakhstan launched special preventive measures: suspending all public events, closing schools and colleges.

The announced measures come into force from March 12, and are valid until a decision is made to cancel them.


CORONAVIRUS: announced measures in LATVIA

Latvia has declared the State of Emergency until 14 April 2020, which includes the closing of educational establishments and restrictions on holding public events as of 13 March 2020.

As of 11 March, 2020, Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC) has stated that travellers who have arrived in Latvia from Netherland, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, USA, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland Singapore, Japan, Iran, South Korea and China – should take special protection measures and carefully monitor their health for 14 days after their arrival in Latvia (including taking body temperature twice a day).

There is a travel ban applicable to international travelling from and to Latvia. All flights are cancelled as of March 17.

Regularly updated information on the status of COVID-19 in Latvia can be found on the website of Health Ministry of the Republic of Latvia and  Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and Regarding the Declaration of Emergency Situation.

Any questions regarding the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 and your travels, please call Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC) help line 67501590 or 67387661 (open 8.30-17.00 working days).


CORONAVIRUS: announced measures in ESTONIA

The Estonian Government has declared a state of emergency in order to limit the spread of the COVID-19 i.e. coronavirus epidemic. The situation means special measures.

At all border crossing points, i.e. ports, airports and checkpoints at the Russian and Latvian land borders, health surveillance will be increased to identify people with symptoms of infection. Anyone entering the country must fill out a questionnaire form in order to determine where they have been travelling before arriving to Estonia.

Currently there are no official restrictions on passenger ship or air travel services between Helsinki and Tallinn. The sale of cruise journeys on the Tallinn-Stockholm route has been suspended, while route travel and freight transport are allowed to continue.

Museums and cinemas will be kept closed in Estonia until the beginning of May and no theatre performances, concerts, sports competitions, conferences or other public gathering will be held during that period. Libraries and their magazine rooms are kept open.

The most current information is available on the Estonian Health Board’s website in English.

In general, the Estonian Health Board reminds all travellers that taking care of good hygiene – e.g. careful washing of hands – is a reasonable use of common sense. Faceing questions about COVID-19 or experience symptoms of the disease, call the medical advice number +372 634 6630 (English service daily between 15.00-17.00, other times 24/7 in Estonian and Russian). If necessary, the advisory workers will re-direct the call to the public emergency number 112.

The government declared an emergency situation in Estonia until 1 May


CORONAVIRUS: announced measures in LITHUANIA

The Lithuanian government backed the State Emergency Situation Commission’s proposal to suspend activity of all educational, cultural, sports and leisure establishments in the country due to the coronavirus threat, and also ban traveling to certain countries. Upon the commission’s final approval, the decision will be in force until March 27.

The authorities have introduced a quarantine all over the country. All educational establishments – kindergartens, schools and universities – are being closed for two weeks from March 13.

All public events in closed spaces are banned, and only up to 100 people are allowed to attend open-air events. The distance among people at public events should be at least one meter, and no events for elder people should be organized. Sports events can be organized by without the audience. Also, all cultural, leisure, sports and entertainment establishments will be closed for two weeks.

People will also be banned from leaving the country and travel to risk countries, including Italy, France, Germany Spain, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. Flights to Lithuania are not banned this week yet to allow Lithuanian citizens to return to the country. People arriving from risk countries will have to self-isolate for two weeks. For more information about the situation in Lithuania please visit this website.