CoronaCheck App mandatory for going out!

The Netherlands, 24 September – As of 25 September 2021 the Dutch government requires the use of the CoronaCheckApp at various locations. At all restaurants, cafes and clubs, entrepreneurs must check visitors at the door. Control is also becoming the standard in the cultural sector. By performing checks upon entry of for example, cinemas, attraction parks, theaters and stadiums these spaces can be used with its full capacity again.

The CoronaCheckapp is an official app, developed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. This digital tool allows access to certain locations in the Netherlands. You can also travel internationally with it but only if you’ve been vaccinated, didn’t have coronavirus at the time of testing or if you have had coronavirus.

When you come from abroad and were vaccinated abroad, you need to take one step extra to get access to this app. You need to contact the  GGD in Utrecht (+31 (0) 30-8002899), to make an appointment and come by as soon as you have your BSN and your proof of vaccination. By checking your documents they will make your information accessible for the CoronaCheckApp.

The GDD in Utrecht is close to Utrecht’s Central Station. You will receive the address in the appointment confirmation. Please bring the following documents with you for this appointment:

  • Passport or (for EU citizens only) ID card. Please note that the details on your ID or passport must be the same as the details on the vaccination certificate,
  • A document with your BSN on it. This is not necessary if your BSN is on your identity document already (for non-Dutch nationals this is not listed on the residence permit card so the BSN document is essential).

If you do have any further questions, please visit:


How does the CoronaCheckApp work?

Entering certain locations, activities, and countries requires a coronavirus pass. Is this the case for the location you’re visiting? Then follow these steps:

As a visitor, you need to be vaccinated or tested negative for coronavirus. Is your test result negative, meaning you don’t have coronavirus? Have you had corona before? Or have you been vaccinated? Then you can retrieve or add those details in the CoronaCheck app. Download the app in the Apple App Store or in the Google Play Store

In the CoronaCheck app, enter the retrieval code you received with your negative test result, or when you were vaccinated. Or use DigiD to retrieve your details (only applies to testing at the GGD or vaccinations in The Netherlands).

The app generates a certificate in the form of a QR code. You can then have the QR code scanned at the entrance of the location you’re visiting. Don’t forget to also bring your proof of identity and entry ticket of course.

Please note: in the CoronaCheck app, you’re only able to make a certificate or entry pass for one person. So every visitor needs their own phone (with the app installed). Don’t have a phone? You can also print a QR code. Download and print your test certificate or coronavirus entry pass at

We are more than happy to clarify any question you may have. Feel free to contact us at the phone number +31 (0) 85 – 620 4900. We would be more than happy to answer your questions! 


By Anita Knipping, Quality Manager at PIRGROUP The Netherlands.